The Leading Developer of Add-on
Utilities for AutoCAD® & Compatibles

 CAD Productivity


 ■ MapWorks for:
   ▪ AutoCAD
   ▪ BricsCAD
   ▪ Civil3D
   ▪ IntelliCAD
   ▪ GeoLocPlus
   ▪ LegalReader
   ▪ LegalWriter

DWG Compatibles

 ■ Excel2DWG
 ■ Word2DWG

Revit Add-ons

 ■ RevitOffice+


This tool is used to parse legal description text from a document or the contents of the clipboard.  All critical deed content is highlighted with appropriate background colors.  It then instantly populates the table on the right pane with the bearings, distances and curve information from the text on the left.  If the contents of the grid is satisfactory a single click draws the boundary as a polyline (with curves included) in your CAD engine.

Usage Details

Function Description
Content Entry: Type in content, paste from clipboard, or load ascii or richtext files.
Starting Coords: Optionally enter or pick starting coordinates in the right pane.
Curve Calculator: If curves were not evaluated, select the bulge cell on the record and the Curve Calculator section will appear in the bottom. Enter known values and click [Calculate] the fill correct curve factor for that row.
Edit & ReParse: Make changes in the left pane, click a button to reparse the entire deed and repopulate the grid information.
Quick Draw: Click the [Plot] button to draw the boundary as a polyline in the drawing. The display will zoom to the results.
Print Details: Single click to send the contents of the parsed deed or grid to a word processor, spreadsheet, or browser (in HTML).
Scale Distances: Accepts a factor symbol and value and applies it to all the distances in the grid. Recalculates after changes.

Source Data Colors

  • Yellow: Main (non-curve) and chord bearings and distances.
  • Cyan: Found radius point bearings and distances.
  • Green: Found arc lengths and other curve factors.
  • LightGray: Found description text.

Requires (one of the following):        

• AutoCAD 2015-2017 (64bit)
• AutoCAD 2018-2024 (64bit)
• AutoCAD 2025 (64bit)
• BricsCAD v20 Pro/Platinum
• BricsCAD v21 Pro/Platinum
• BricsCAD v22 Pro/Platinum
• BricsCAD v23 Pro/Platinum
• BricsCAD v24 Pro/Platinum
• CMS IntelliCAD 10.0 32/64Bit
• CMS IntelliCAD 10.0 64Bit
• CMS IntelliCAD 11.0 64Bit
• CMS IntelliCAD 11.1 64Bit
• CMS IntelliCAD 12.0 64Bit
• CMS IntelliCAD 12.1 64Bit

  Does not work on AutoCAD LT Does not work on NanoCAD No Mac Version Available

Product Support: Email Support Only

License Type: True perpetual license (not rental software).

Before purchasing: This highly capable tool is also included in:

Product Save Price Digital River PayPal
Single:   $95 PayPal Button
5-Pack: 10% $425 PayPal Button
10-Pack: 15% $600 PayPal Button
20-Pack: 20% $1520 PayPal Button
Site/Corp:   Varies

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