AC |
BC |
C3 |
IC |
3dFaces: |
Direction: |
Set the direction of a selection set to clockwise or counterclockwise. |
Elevations: |
Flatten or raise/lower selected faces. |
Edges: |
Temporarily display all edges or turn on/off edges of a selection set. |
Location: |
Creates a properly elevated Cogo point at the picked point, based on the surrounding 3dTriangle. |
Normals: |
Draw line objects representing the face normals of triangular faces. |
Offsets: |
Offset selected 3dFaces. |
Point: |
Snaps the closest vertices of faces to a picked point. |
Stats: |
Returns statistics (including slope area) a selection set. |
SubDivide: |
Subdivides selected 3dFaces into smaller units for smoothing. |
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Catchment Report: |
Generates a detailed report of selected catchments with control over report columns, single click export to Excel, etc. |
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✗ |
Commands: |
Various processes on multiple surfaces such as rebuild, snapshot, etc. |
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Color Range: |
Assigns a color to a selection set of 3dFaces based on a selected parameter. |
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✓ |
Contour Create: |
Create contours from drawing objects, triangulation or grid files with options. The resulting geometry can be polylines or splines placed into separate designated major/minor layers. Optionally label contours automatically with linetypes that don't break the contour. Choose from two methods, triangulation (faster) or rectangular grid (smoother). |
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Contour Label: |
Labels contours using options such as ends, individual or multiple. On BC/C3 works with system ContourLabels, On AC/IC uses background masked mtext objects that are field based meaning you can move or copy and the value will change on the next regen. |
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Convert Sections: |
Convert cross sections to plan view 3dPolys along an alignment and optional surface. Requires a centerline alignment and sections (as polylines). |
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✓ |
✓ |
Convert File: |
Reads a grid, tin, or csv points file and converts to any supported format. |
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✓ |
Convert Type: |
Convert a TinSurface to a GridSurface and vice-versa. The original surface remains and can optionally be removed by the user. |
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✓ |
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Data Report: |
Reports details about surfaces such as area by slope range. |
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✓ |
Delete Points: |
Deletes multiple points from a selected surface based on rules such as relative position. |
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✓ |
✗ |
Drape Objects: |
Drapes a selection set of objects (3DFACE, ARC, CIRCLE, ELLIPSE, IMAGE (AutoCAD only), INSERT, LINE, MTEXT, POINT, POLYLINE, SPLINE, or TEXT) onto a surface. |
✓ |
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✓ |
Elevation Labels: |
Alignment: |
Adds labels along alignments at specified station parameters and multiple offsets. |
Convert: |
Convert a selection set of inserts, points, text/mtext or AeccPoints to surface elevation labels. |
Duplicate: |
Duplicates selected elevation labels to current layer and selected surface. |
Export: |
Export a selection set of elevation labels to a comma separated values (CSV) file. |
Import: |
Import comma or space delimited ascii files, creating elevation labels at designated locations. |
High/Low: |
Adds labels at the high and low points of a selected surface. |
Objects: |
Adds labels at the vertices or specified intervals along a selection set of objects. |
Rotate: |
Rotates selected elevation labels to angles of adjacent geometry segments or a relative angle. |
Stats: |
Places a static mtext label reflecting the min/max/avg elevation of a selection set of ElevLabels. |
✗ |
✓ |
✓ |
✗ |
Export: |
Quickly export multiple selected surfaces to separate files. |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
Extract: |
Quickly extract borders, contours (major & minor), faces, or points from multiple selected surfaces. |
✗ |
✓ |
✓ |
✗ |
Grade Poly: |
Generates a 3DPoly at a designed grade on a surface. After picking the initial point it shows possible directions (there is usually two) and prompt for the starting direction. When the looking forward grade cannot be determined it prompts for direction which allows for switchbacks on steep slopes. |
✓ |
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✓ |
Grade Vectors: |
Generates 3D Vectors and information from block insert pointers and attributes. |
✓ |
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✓ |
Grid Create: |
Creates a grid file from drawing geometry or existing TIN file. Optionally process multiple layers to create multiple surfaces. |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
Grid Editor: |
Allows opening, single or mass edits in our spreadsheet, and saving of a grid surface. |
✓ |
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✓ |
Grid Reconstruct: |
Recreate a grid file from ortho drawing geometry such as points, lines, or 3dfaces. |
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✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
Import Files: |
Imports multiple surfaces (TIN or GRID) from multiple selected files. |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
Manager: |
A collection of tools to manipulate project surfaces. Allows for statistics, renaming, exporting of Tins, Grids, and Points, etc. |
✓ |
✓ |
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✓ |
File Review: |
Review surface files showing specifications with zoom, show, label options. |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
Mass Points: |
Import multiple Lidar files (including binary LAS, LAZ (Compressed LAS), Leica Cyclone*.PTS, PCD & XYZ/XYZi) or any supported surface format with data reducing constraints. Projects points between coordinate systems. Isolate by bounding object, elevation ranges, and interval. Reduces data burden by as much as 90%+ without sacrificing quality. Output to drawing points, external file or directly to a surface.
Additional Lidar tools include:
Combine: |
Combines multiple lidar files into a single compressed LAZ file. |
Convert: |
Convert multiple surface file formats to Lidar LAZ files. |
Color: |
Assigns colors to lidar points based on loaded aerial images. |
Crop: |
Crops a LAS/LAZ file at the extents of a selected object, creating a new file. |
Edit: |
Various tools to edit LAS/LAZ files inside the CAD engine. |
Ground: |
Uses downloaded reference surface to add ground classifications to Lidar files. |
List: |
Detailed report in browser of point count, coordinate window, elevation min/max, etc. |
Make: |
Creates a lidar file from points on entities (including surfaces). |
Pads: |
Generates polylines of areas where holes exist in lidar such as bldg pads. |
Plot: |
Plots selected lidar files as point objects in the drawing. |
Project: |
Projects lidar from a source to target coordinate system, saves as a different file name. |
Rotate: |
Rotates a Lidar file based on a rotation angle. |
Scale: |
Scales a Lidar file in XY, Z or ZYZ based on parameters. |
Split: |
Splits a single large lidar tile into multiple smaller files. |
Tiles: |
Quickly draw and label the 3D bounding box of a selection of binary Lidar LAS/LAZ files. |
✓ |
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✓ |
✓ |
Offset Average: |
Returns information about (perpendicular) distance between two surfaces. |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
Offset Options: |
Creates an offset surface from an existing TinSurface using one of multiple methods. |
✓ |
✗ |
✗ |
✓ |
Offset Surface: |
Creates a perpendicular offset TInSurface from small (design) surfaces using SURFOFFSET. |
✗ |
✓ |
✗ |
✗ |
Pad Design: |
Generates a 3d (building) pad from a simple polyline at the desired elevation, including automatic daylighting to existing ground. Simply specify parameters and select the geometry. |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
Pond Design: |
Design a pond using a starting featureline, specified side slopes and desired volume. Creates the other featureline, two TinSurfaces and a VolumeSurface. |
✗ |
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✓ |
✗ |
Pond Spill: |
Determines contours up to spill point and creates a polycontour group ready for stage table or graphs. |
✓ |
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✓ |
✓ |
Plot File: |
Draws a grid or triangulation surface as Points, 3DLines, 3DFaces, or a 3DPolymesh with many options including limit boundaries, borders, elevation ranges, etc. Also project coordinates between systems and do vertical exaggeration, detects many file coordinate systems automatically. |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
Point Export: |
Export unique xyz points of a select selection set of objects to a CSV file. |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
Processor: |
Processes one or more surfaces to create other surfaces by factors or elevation analysis (min elev, etc). |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
Slope Labels: |
Add: |
Adds labels at the vertices or specified intervals along a selection set of objects. |
Convert: |
Convert a selection set of inserts, leaders (from LDT), points, text or AeccPoints to slope labels. |
Export: |
Export a selection set of slope labels to a comma separated values (CSV) file. |
Import: |
Import comma or space delimited ascii files, creating slope labels at designated locations. |
High/Low: |
Adds slope labels at the high and low points of a selected surface. |
List: |
Create report of north, east, slope, style and more. Output to drawing tables, external (CSV) files and more. |
Offset: |
Add slope labels along a selected linear object. Options for begin/ending stations, interval and left/right offsets. |
Style: |
Assign styles to a selection set of slope labels by designated ranges. |
✗ |
✓ |
✓ |
✗ |
Solid Make: |
Creates a 3dSolid using relative depth, absolute elevation, or a second surface. |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
Solid Split: |
Split 3dSolids into two surfaces at specified elevation. |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
Spot Anno: |
Draws spot elevations, slope arrows, etc. Includes the ability to use separate colors for positive/negative values on difference grids. |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
Statistics: |
Collects statistics on selected surface (including extended info like plane/surface area) with numerous outputs (file save, list, mtext, table, etc). |
✗ |
✓ |
✓ |
✗ |
Tag Figures: |
Tag Boundaries: |
Tag objects as exterior/interior boundaries to limit extents on surface models and contours, etc. |
Tag Breaklines: |
Tag objects as hard or soft breaklines to constrain surface models and contours, etc. |
✓ |
✗ |
✗ |
✓ |
Template Design: |
Design 3D features such as roadways & ditches using section templates. Simply draw your section in a block definition and this tool will project it along your path object to form a 3D geometry model. Edge rays are automatically trimmed at the intersection of the surface. |
✓ |
✗ |
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✓ |
Tin Create: |
Creates a triangulated irregular network file from drawing geometry. |
✓ |
✗ |
✗ |
✓ |
Tin Reconstruct: |
Recreates a TIN file from drawing geometry such as PolyMeshes or 3dFaces. |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
Trim: |
Trims a Tin or Grid surface to a linear object boundary. Actually reduces (trims) the data from the surface, not just a mask. |
✗ |
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✓ |
✗ |
Volumes Incremental: |
Calculates horizontal slice volumes at multiple specified elevations on a surface. |
✗ |
✗ |
✓ |
✗ |
Volumes Standard: |
Calculate quick prismoidal volumes from various sources including CAD layers with printable report. |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
Web Elevations: |
Creates a surface (or insert/export points) with the elevations returned by the Bing, Google, or the USGS Elevation Service. |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
Formats: |
Load Cloud Formats |
Save Cloud Formats |
• ASTM E57 Point Cloud (*.e57)
• Autodesk Point Cloud File (*.pcg)
• Comma Separated X,Y,Z Values (*.csv)
• Generic XYZ Mass Points (*.xyz)
• Generic XYZI Mass Points (*.xyzi)
• Leica Cyclone Point Scan (*.pts)
• Lidar Light Detection And Ranging (*.las)
• LasZip Compressed Lidar (*.laz)
• Point Cloud Data Ascii (*.pcd)
• Topcon Point Cloud File (*.cl3)
| |
• Comma Separated X,Y,Z Values (*.csv)
• Generic XYZ Mass Points (*.xyz)
• Generic XYZI Mass Points (*.xyzi)
• Leica Cyclone Point Scan (*.pts)
• Lidar Light Detection And Ranging (*.las)
• LasZip Compressed Lidar (*.laz)
• Point Cloud Data Ascii (*.pcd)
• Topcon Point Cloud File (*.cl3)
Load Grid Formats |
Save Grid Formats |
• Carlson SurvCADD Grid (*.grd)
• ENVI Raster Band Interleaved (*.bil)
• Erdas Imagine Raster Image (*.img)
• ESRI ArcGrid Floating Point (*.adf)
• ESRI ArcView Ascii Grid (*.asc)
• ESRI ArcView Binary Grid (*.flt)
• GeoReferenced Tagged Image Format (*.tif)
• Grid Exchange File (*.gxf)
• MapWorks Surface Grid (*.msg)
• NGA Digital Terrain Elev Data Level 0-2 (*.dt#)
• SAGA Binary Grid (*.sdat)
• Surfer Ascii/Binary Grid (*.grd)
• USGS Digital Elevation Model (*.dem)
• VTP Binary Terrain (*.bt)
• Carlson SurvCADD Grid (*.grd)
• Comma Separated Values XYZ (*.csv)
• Drawing Exchange File (*.dxf)
• ENVI Raster Band Interleaved (*.bil)
• Erdas Imagine Raster Image (*.img)
• ESRI ArcView Ascii Grid (*.agr)
• ESRI ArcView Binary Grid (*.flt)
• GeoReferenced Tagged Image Format (*.tif)
• Grid Exchange File (*.gxf)
• MapWorks Surface Grid (*.msg)
• SAGA Binary Grid (*.sdat)
• Surfer Ascii/Binary Grid (*.grd) • USGS Digital Elevation Model (*.dem)
• VTP Binary Terrain (*.bt)
Load TIN Formats |
Save TIN Formats |
• Autodesk Binary TIN/PNT (*.tin)
• Carlson Binary TIN (*.tin)
• ESRI ADF TinSurface (tdenv.adf)
• ESRI ArcInfo UnGenTin (*.net)
• GoCAD Tsurf Format (*.ts)
• LandXML Single Surface (*.xml)
• Leica Terrain Model (*.trm)
• MapWorks Surface Tin (*.mst)
• Topcon Surface Ascii Tin (*.tn3)
• Trimble Tin Model (*.ttm)
• VTP Intermediate Tin (*.itf)
• Comma Separated Values XYZ (*.csv)
• Drawing Exchange File (*.dxf)
• ESRI ArcInfo UnGenTin (*.net)
• GoCAD Tsurf Format (*.ts)
• LandXML Single Surface (*.xml)
• MapWorks Surface Tin (*.mst)
• Topcon Surface Ascii Tin (*.tn3)
• VTP Intermediate Tin (*.itf)
If you don't see your format listed, contact us. We are always looking to add additional formats to our list.
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