The Build Thread (8.0)

Civil/Survey and GIS add-on for CAD engines.
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Re: The Build Thread (8.0)

Postby twdotson » Thu Jan 30, 2020 10:58 pm

This thread is for small (but important) revisions that don't warrant a thread of it's own. For example a new major tool will be described in a new thread. With each revision, the build has been revised. Existing users should run Check for Updates (or download again and reinstall).

  • (08-10-19) Tin Surface Boundaries, corrected problems on Tin Make and Contour Create when using them.
  • (12-08-19) Profile Sample Surfaces, corrected problem when using [Points] option instead of [Object].
  • (01-25-20) Changed startup to force IntelliCAD to reload changed CUIx (from web updates).

This list only covers items specific to MapWorks, the list from the Common Functionality applies also!

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