The Build Thread (9.0)

Functionality that is common to two or more packages
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The Build Thread (9.0)

Postby twdotson » Sat Feb 27, 2021 3:48 pm

This thread is for small (but important) revisions that don't warrant a thread of it's own. For example a new major tool will be described in a new thread. Applies to both C3DTools or MapWorks.

  • (04-01-20) CAD Engine ColorTheme compliance, shows dark dialogs when dark theme is used.
  • (04-14-20) File System determine (PRJ, etc) improved with index of ESRI systems (from NameMapper.csv).
  • (04-14-20) Parcel ShapeFile Write added, saves parcel geometry and extended data into a ESRI ShapeFile.
  • (04-21-20) Figure Visual Labels improved with dialog toggles for each element drawn.
  • (04-23-20) Image Symbols, added an option to limit the results to those inside an object or rectangle.
  • (05-25-20) Image GeoReferenced Insert, new tool places geotagged photos in plan view with leaders.
  • (06-04-20) Image World Tiles, new option to place labeled rectangles where images located.
  • (06-05-20) Image TMS Tiles redesigned for easier addition of servers, web list started.
  • (06-19-20) FileGDB Import/Export changed to 64bit only allowing massive memory usage.
  • (06-22-20) Changed Dark theme colors to match Blue Theme in AutoCAD 2020+.
  • (06-30-20) EPA SWMM Import added, Imports the map section of a SWMM .INP file along with tables.
  • (07-09-20) Project LandXML added, projects a LandXML file to a new selected coordinate system.
  • (07-18-20) Parcel ShapeFile Read added, reads ESRI Shapefile creating parcels and extended data.
  • (07-23-20) Figure Summary Report, information about a selected figures, such as area, length and slopes.
  • (07-30-20) Section Sample Lidar, applies section sample lines to a lidar file to pick up data band.
  • (08-21-20) Figure Insert Vertex, added multi surface option to add vertices wherever figure intersects.
  • (08-24-20) Draw Thiessen Polygons, created from a selection of points and a boundary.
  • (09-02-20) Projections Lat/Lon Convert, added option for Deg.Min and plot points in drawing.
  • (09-12-20) Projections GeoCoding, Lat/long from address or address from pick point with position marker.
  • (09-21-20) Surface Mass Points, added weeding filter by distance (either compared to last or all points).
  • (10-03-20) Surface Lidar Combine, combines multiple lidar files into a single compressed LAZ file.
  • (10-03-20) Surface Lidar Split, Splits a single large lidar tile into multiple smaller files.
  • (10-07-20) Surface Building Pad, revisions to avoid cones in concave intersections, etc.
  • (10-16-20) Surface Lidar Crop, crops a LAS/LAZ file at the extents of a selected object.
  • (10-16-20) Surface Lidar Pads, generates polylines of areas where holes exist in lidar.
  • (10-27-20) Point Group Cmds Surface option, creates point groups for above, below, equal.
  • (10-27-20) Projections Alt PointUDP, creates updated alt coordinate point UDP on Points.
  • (01-25-21) Points Add Difference updated to include optional alignment and sta/ofs columns.
  • (01-25-21) PolyContour ShapeFile Read, added trap for elevation strings like "123 ft".

With each revision, the build has been revised. Existing users should run Check for Updates (or download again and reinstall).

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